Mumbai is a bustling metropolitan city famous for its vibrant culture, diverse population, and busy streets. While towering skyscrapers and cramped buildings dominate the cityscape, another world is hidden away, where hardship and poverty prevail. The narrow lanes in the slum communities bustle with people jostling and pushing and are often littered with garbage, making it difficult for residents to maintain a hygienic environment. Stray animals, such as dogs and cats, can be seen scurrying around in search of scraps among the masses of people.

This is where Ibrahim* and his family live, among the narrow lanes and towering stacks of garbage in one of the city’s slum communities. 

Ibrahim is a six-year-old boy who is full of energy and curiosity, despite his low weight. He was born into a family of six, with four older siblings. His father works tirelessly as a steel furniture maker to support his family, earning only Rs. 12,000 monthly. Despite their financial struggles and lack of education, Ibrahim’s parents dream of a better future for their children.

Ibrahim’s sisters are facing the burden of gender discrimination, which is hindering their aspirations. Although they have a strong desire to pursue further education, their father’s patriarchal mindset is preventing them from doing so. He forbids them from studying further or venturing outside for work, which shackles their progress. They have only been able to complete their studies till the 10th grade. Unfortunately, their dreams of completing their education have been crushed.

Hope and opportunities can come in unexpected ways. In 2021, an intern from Vision Rescue stepped into their lives and later, through interviews, Ibrahim secured admission into the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). He received more than just an education from the BLC. He was provided with uniforms, educational materials, and a daily meal, which ensured that he had all the necessary resources for learning. His BLC teacher says, “Ibrahim has been doing really well in school. He’s eager to learn and works hard every day. I’m so proud of how much he’s improving.”

In addition, healthcare services including medical and dental check-ups were also provided to ensure his overall well-being. During the medical check-up, Ibrahim’s underweight was identified as a concern. Thanks to Vision Rescue for providing timely medical intervention. He is currently receiving treatment to address his nutritional deficiencies. He is currently taking the prescribed tonic syrup to enhance his health. His mother expresses her gratitude, saying, “Thanks to Vision Rescue, the nutritious meals and tonic are helping him gain weight.”

During a visit from their Community Case Counsellor (CCC), Ibrahim’s mother opened up about their financial difficulties. The CCC saw this as an opportunity to introduce the mother and siblings to Vision Rescue’s vocational training courses, which would help them develop new skills. With encouragement from the CCC, and approval from their father, both of Ibrahim’s sisters decided to enroll in Mehandi and Beautician courses. They successfully completed the courses and are now taking bridal makeup and mehandi orders, earning a good income for themselves and their family.

Ibrahim’s elder sister says, “We’re so grateful to Vision Rescue for giving us the opportunity to learn these skills. It’s changed our lives in ways we never imagined possible.” 

Another sister continues saying, “We weren’t allowed to finish school, but we won’t let that stop us. We’ve found our own way to succeed and we’ll make sure our younger siblings get the chance we didn’t.” 

Ibrahim’s mother regularly attends Focus Group Meetings (FGMs) on topics such as hygiene, the right to education (RTE), and medical awareness sessions on HIV and cancer. She says, “These meetings have helped me and my family to understand and value education, keep ourselves clean and do a regular medical check-up.”

Ibrahim enjoys playing cricket with his friends in the neighbourhood. He’s inspiring his peers with his cleanliness and passion for learning, often sharing things he learned in the classroom. He dreams of becoming a doctor so that he can treat everyone and help them recover from their illnesses.

This year, Ibrahim will complete his Senior KG at BLC and will be transitioning to formal schooling. After receiving a strong educational foundation at BLC, he is now ready to embark on the next chapter of his academic journey. Also, the CCC will be counselling and encouraging Ibrahim’s parents to allow their daughters to complete their higher secondary education (11th and 12th grades).

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every one of you for your generous contributions to Vision Rescue. Your support has been instrumental in transforming the lives of children like Ibrahim and their families in Mumbai’s slum communities.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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