One in three children in Mumbai’s municipal schools is malnourished, says a report released in 2017 by Praja Foundation, a non-profit in Mumbai. In addition, “Over 4000 children suffer from acute malnutrition in Mumbai,” shared Maharashtra State Women and Child Development Minister Yashomati Thakur in December 2021.

A majority of these children were found in Mankhurd, Govandi, Dharavi & Malvani – the first two of which are key centres of Vision Rescue’s operations among children in need.

For the students within our Beacon Learning Centres, Vision Rescue has served over 6 million meals through the last 18 years – entirely made possible by your timely donations.

This month, in partnership with non-profit The Breakfast Revolution, we’re rolling out nutritional support for the children in the municipal schools that we partner with on our School Support Program.

Earlier this week, on Children’s Day, we launched this outreach, handing over healthy, nutritious snacks to over 175 children.

Here’s to providing many more children with the nutritional needs they require to successfully sustain in education!