LISTEN UP!! This week, we got to conduct Audiometry tests for over 63 children at our Beacon Learning Centres in one of our target slum communities. Our goal with these tests is early detection and intervention of hearing loss among our children. 

Vision Rescue partnered with Montfort Care Early Intervention Centre to conduct this screening camp. Montfort Care provides therapy and other resources to children with hearing impairment.

Seasoned audiologists from Montfort Care’s team conducted hearing screenings for each of our children, and a few students were identified with minor ear infections. They will now be treated for the same at our network hospitals. No child was detected with major hearing loss!

At Vision Rescue, we prioritise the health and wellness of each of the children in our care, because we’ve seen first-hand how sickness hinders education. Children have the right to be well enough in their bodies to pursue education successfully. 

However, for most of the children in our communities, affordable and quality healthcare is a pipedream, when they are growing up in conditions of poverty and vulnerability. That’s where kind and thoughtful partners & donors like you step in and fill the gap. 

We’re so grateful to Montfort Care for their partnership with us in Reaching out with Love to every child! And to each of you for choosing to engage and sustain children in education!


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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