Kalyan*, a 6-year-old boy, lives in the crowded and overcrowded streets of one of Mumbai’s slum communities. This neighbourhood is surrounded by Mumbai’s largest dumping ground, Deonar. As far as the eye can see, garbage piles up in massive heaps here, with over 4,500 tonnes added every day. Due to the lack of access to basic necessities such as clean drinking water, sanitation facilities, and proper healthcare, this area is vulnerable to epidemics. Open defecation and poor hygiene practices only worsen the spread of illnesses and add more compound the problem strain on already struggling families.

Kalyan’s family moved from Allahabad to Mumbai to earn a higher income and improve their living standards. However, their time in Mumbai has been filled with financial struggles and health concerns, far from the easy life they had hoped for. His father works in the Deonar dumping area, sorting through trash and selling recyclables to make ends meet. But their already difficult situation became even more challenging when the pandemic hit.

Kalyan’s parents were already struggling to support their two older children when he unexpectedly arrived. While his arrival brought joy, it also added more responsibility to their already heavy load. His parents, despite being illiterate, understand the importance of education and wholeheartedly encourage their children to attend school and pursue their studies. His older siblings are preparing for their 10th Grade Board Exams.

In 2019, a community intern from Vision Rescue went door-to-door, identifying children like Kalyan and enrolling them for admission to Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Center (BLC) program. He was the first child in the family to enroll in BLC. He received uniforms, educational materials, and a daily meal, ensuring he had the essentials needed for learning.

In addition to education and nutritional support, Vision Rescue offers health services, including dental and medical check-ups. These services have made Kalyan’s family more aware of health issues and the importance of regular medical care. The children receive dental and medical treatments twice a year, addressing concerns they were unaware of. 

Kalyan is a remarkably obedient child who listens to his parents and shows respect to adults and neighbours. He’s enthusiastic about his studies and regularly studies at home with his mother’s help. Despite facing challenges, he attended BLC regularly, excelling academically and forming lasting friendships. 

He excelled in both academics and sports and won third place in the running competition during sports day. His teacher at BLC noticed a significant change in his confidence and abilities. She says, “From a child who couldn’t read or write, he is now excelling both in his studies and sports. What a joy to witness this transformation!”

In 2020, when COVID-19 hit, they faced many challenges. Kalyan’s father who was the sole breadwinner of the family lost his job and there was no income. For almost two years during the pandemic, each month Vision Rescue’s dedicated donors ensured that the family had enough groceries for their meals and even some snacks for the children. His mother with a gratitude heart says, “We’re so thankful to Vision Rescue for their help during our tough times.”

Kalyan’s family, like many others in their community, faces various challenges related to hygiene, water access, and shelter. To help them improve their health and hygiene knowledge, our Community Case Counsellor (CCC) involved Kalyan’s mother in health and Family Growth Management (FGM) training. Additionally, CCC attempted to engage Kalyan’s mother in vocational training, but she could not join due to her pressing responsibilities.

Kalyan dreams of becoming an army officer. Vision Rescue is helping him achieve this goal by enrolling him in a formal school and providing ongoing educational support. His parents actively participate in all of Vision Rescue’s awareness programs.

Kalyan’s story serves as a powerful reminder that every child has the potential to shine, even in the darkest corners of the world. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors and partners who have played a vital role in transforming the lives of Kalyan and many others like him. Your support can open doors to endless possibilities for those in need. Join us in making a brighter future for children like Kalyan.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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