Dilip’s* mother, Radha* thought she lost her son to peer pressure. He was 10 years of age and the youngest of 3 children. His siblings attended school regularly, but Dilip barely attended his classes. During school days, he would play truant and spend the day with his friends who hung around near a nala (gutter) that surrounded the dumping ground close to their home. Radha would lose track of where he was while she was out working. She was the sole earning member in their household with three children. Dilip’s father Dinesh* did not support them financially. Radha earned her income by segregating waste from the dumping ground.

Twenty years ago, Radha and Dinesh left their village in Bihar seeking better opportunities of employment. When they came to Mumbai, in time they were met with the harsh reality of life in Mumbai’s slum community.

However, in June 2022 Radha found hope through Vision Rescues educational program. Since it was not too far from their home, she enrolled Dilip in Grade II at the Beacon Learning Centre (BLC). 

To know about the provisions at our BLC read: https://visionrescue.co.in/why-education/.

Dilip was all set for school with a new schoolbag, uniform and stationery, but he continued to miss classes. Each time Dilip missed class the teachers and Community Case Counsellor (CCC) visited him to see why he was absent. They counselled him about the importance of education, its role in securing a job in the future, the importance of keeping clean and talking respectfully to elders. Above all they let him know that he was missed by his teachers and classmates when he did not attend school.

As Dilip felt cared for, his attendance began to improve. He made new friends in school and spent more time in their company. His demeanor changed. Dileep now takes interest in his education. After class Dilip takes home with him a lunch tiffin. As an exception his family is given extra food for his family.  His sister Prisha’s* behavior has also changed as she repeatedly heard the CCC’s advice to her brother during home visits. She has also come to appreciate the changes in her brother. “My brother now attends school and doesn’t roam around like before. We were worried about what he’d do in life, but not anymore” she says. Dilip says he wants to be a police officer when he grows.

Radha expresses gratitude to Vision Rescue for helping her bring Dileep back on track “Our family has received immense support from Vision Rescue,” she says.

Like Dilip, many children loiter unsupervised and influenced by peers, but Vision Rescue prevents them from going astray by engaging them in education through our Beacon Learning Centers. Thank you, dear donors, for it is through your donations that we can motivate children who have dropped out of school to come back, be engaged, and sustained in education.


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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