Mumbai, a city where the cost-of-living soars and opportunities are both vast and scarce, is where Rizwan*, a 5-year-old, resides. He has migrated with his family from Uttar Pradesh for a better livelihood and education in this bustling metropolis. However, moving to Mumbai did not change their situation or their struggles.

In Mumbai’s M East ward, where about 78% live in harsh conditions, surrounded by over 250 slums and, the 132-hectare Deonar dumping ground symbolizes extreme poverty.1  Deonar, one of Asia’s largest dumping grounds, currently holds 13 to 16 million tonnes of garbage, with a daily addition of at least 2000 Metric Tonnes (MT).

For the past 15 years, Rizwan’s family has been living in one of the slums near the dumping ground, dealing with the overwhelming stench and filth. His father was forced into various odd jobs at a very young age due to family pressure. He toiled under the scorching sun, sometimes as a labourer, sometimes as a driver, and sometimes even in mysterious and undefined tasks just to make ends meet. The monthly income varies between Rs. 8000/- and Rs. 9000/- and is not enough to take care of a family of five.

Living in Mumbai’s slum communities comes with its own set of challenges. The family lives in a cramped rented space, paying Rs. 3000/- for rent, electricity and water bills. The polluted water and the unhygienic surroundings become breeding grounds for infections. Rabies is a major concern in slum communities due to a higher risk of infections through stray dog bites. Rizwan, too, was not spared; he battled illnesses like chickenpox and even faced the risk of rabies.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic only worsened their hardships. Rizwan’s father became jobless and would often vent his frustration to his family members. So, that’s when the mother becomes a beacon of hope to the family. She learned the art of zari work to contribute to the family income. 

During these tough times, Vision Rescue stepped in as a lifeline, providing Emergency Grocery Kits to communities struggling with hunger. Rizwan’s family, too, received these vital kits. Each kit comprised essential provisions such as grains, lentils, and other staples, enough to feed a family of five for 40 meals.

Following this, Rizwan’s parents learned about the Beacon Learning Center (BLC) and enrolled him in the program. This marked the beginning of a new chapter for Rizwan. He excelled at his studies. He loved attending school, learning new things, and making new friends. His teacher says, “Rizwan is a bright and obedient student. He studies well, actively participates in all activities, and is always ready to help.”

 As Rizwan attended classes at BLC, his parents witnessed a transformation in their son. With each passing day, his confidence grew, and aspirations took firmer root. The BLC not only provided Rizwan with formal education but also became a second home where he felt a sense of belonging and support.

During a Community Case Counselor (CCC) visit, Rizwan’s mother shared their financial struggles. The CCC encouraged her to join vocational tailoring classes, and upon completing the course, she received her certificate. After which, she started a small business, lightening the family’s load and supporting Rizwan’s education. 

Rizwan’s mother is a Champion and actively participates in Focus Group Meetings (FGM), while his father attends awareness programs conducted by Vision Rescue. His mother expresses her gratitude, “I’m thankful for Vision Rescue. My child never went to school, but now, after joining BLC, he’s studying well. I see him being happy and making new friends.”

Rizwan dreams of becoming a police officer, and we at Vision Rescue are committed to enrolling him in a formal school within two years, supporting his dreams with teaching courses and extra classes for holistic development.

We are happy to see how the family has transitioned from a high-risk living environment with no means of stable sustenance to a medium-risk environment with basic means of survival in place and free quality education for their son.

Rizwan’s story is a testament to the power of intervention and support. But his story is just one among the many. Countless children face similar challenges in M East Ward and across urban India. 

Join us in shaping a brighter future for children like Rizwan and their families. You can become a part of Vision Rescue’s transformative mission, helping children access education, healthcare, and a chance at a better life. Your support can make dreams a reality and create positive change in the heart of Mumbai’s urban challenges.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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