Mohamad Asif is familiar with hunger. His family of five survives on the Rs.100 (1.42 USD) that his father earns each day as a laundry labourer. On days that his father doesn’t work, the family goes to sleep at night hungry.

They live in a tin-sheet hutment beside a creek that flows through their slum community. As most homes here have no sanitation facilities and few can afford the paid toilets outside, many choose to relieve themselves in the creek. As a result, Asif’s house is full of flies by day, and mosquitoes by night.

When Asif’s mother first heard of our learning centre inside her slum community that fed and educated children like Asif for free, she couldn’t believe her ears. Asif joined our senior kindergarten in June 2018, and he’s finished a whole academic year with us now.

Because of your life-changing donations, Asif no longer spends all day at home or playing on the polluted streets of his slum community, prey to danger and disease. Most importantly, he never goes to sleep hungry on a weekday, because you gift him a nutritious meal every single school day. He loves coming to class every morning, playing sports, making crafts and his favourite game to play is passing-the-ball!

In the early days, Asif used to come to class covered in dirt. After much counselling about personal hygiene and sanitation for both Asif and his family, they’ve picked up new habits. They’ve even changed the way they speak with each other at home. Abusive words are far fewer now, and words of life and encouragement much more.

Today, Asif has dreams for a bright future for himself because of you. Unlike most children in his class who want to become teachers, doctors or policemen, Asif is crystal clear that he wants to become a motor mechanic.

Thank You for giving your precious support to make his dreams come true!