Fevers and a few blisters on his skin – not much to worry about thought Amir’s parents when he first fell ill. For the next month Amir missed his junior KG classes with our school inside his slum community simply because he was too sick to come. His parents tried home remedies at first and then went to a few nearby clinics, but Amir didn’t get any better.
Finally, the family took the advice of our community worker and got Amir examined at a partner municipal hospital. Turns out Amir had chicken pox all along. By this point, the family couldn’t afford the medications the doctors suggested. Amir’s father sells tea at a makeshift shop in the slum community for a living. It’s his meagre income that supports his two older children in Madrassa schools back in their village in the state of Bihar, as well as his wife and Amir here in Mumbai.
That’s when your donations reached out to rescue Amir by getting him vital medication that restored him back to health. It took a month longer for Amir to get completely well, and then he was deemed fit to return to school. If your gifts hadn’t been there for Amir, his family would have been forced to sell what few assets they have or enter into debt just to rescue their son.
Today, Amir is back in class and happy to be learning again. His favourite subject is English and he loves reciting poems. He wants to become a policeman when he grows up.
Meanwhile, Amir’s mother Nazrana has joined our paper-bag making course for mothers and young women in their slum community. While she’s illiterate herself, Nazrana is thrilled to pick up a skill that can one day supplement her husband’s income.

Thank You for helping both Amir and Nazrana follow their dreams!