Two years ago we met Alim Salman Khan in the railroad slum. He would come on the bus regularly with his mother. All of a sudden Alim stopped coming to the bus.
Six months ago, Alim returned to the bus and we heard his story.

The day he stopped coming to school, 5 year old Alim was at home with his mother. She was cooking, when the stove burst causing her to suffer severe burn wounds. As their house burned to the ground she was rushed to the hospital. When they returned from the hospital, Alim‘s father kicked them out of the house. He remarried and moved into a new home.

From the severe pain of her injuries and the traumatic incidents that occurred thereafter, Alim‘s mother gradually lost her mind. Not being of sound mind she was unable to take care of him and eventually they were forced onto the streets. He took care of her as best he could until one day his mother stopped recognizing him.

His dad at that point had become a drunkard and his mother was soon taken away and chained up in a mosque because it was assumed that she was possessed by an evil spirit.

Time had changed this young boy. He now smoked, chewed tobacco and took drugs. His clothes were covered in dirt right down to his fingernails.

Yet his heart still longed for LOVE.

The day he walked up to the yellow bus, Alim looked up at the teacher and said, “I remember you”.

Our team stepped in and embraced this little boy ready to give him all the help and support he needed.

When asked what he wants to become when gets older alim says -“I want to become a big man one day, like a policeman. Then I’d have money, so I could eat and take care of my mum.”