Ali is a 6 year old boy from Shivaji Nagar, Govandi.

He is an active and intelligent child, who loves coming to BLC. His father is the only sole breadwinner of the family and works as an auto rickshaw driver to make ends meet.

Ali has 6 siblings and his mother is a home-maker. Since last 6 months the whole family is suffering from a skin disease named Tinea. Family has taken treatment from various doctors, but they did not find any improvement due to which his father was unable to drive an auto.

Effect of all this has played a major role on their source of income and feeding 7 children became a task for them.

Our community workers intervened and the family was referred to the medical team, they are currently receiving treatment and recovering from skin disease .

Now Ali attends his classes regularly and his sisters have enrolled themselves in the mehendi class at our vocational center. His father started his regular work and his mother would be enrolling herself in the vocational class .

Ali will continue his education and vision rescue will take follow up of it.The whole family is thankful to vision rescue for providing their services.