Little Ahmad is always fascinated by policemen in their uniforms and he can’t wait to grow up and become a Police Officer himself. He was born in one of Mumbai’s largest slum communities and lives in a tiny homemade of tin sheets.

Five years ago Ahmad’s father Azmat moved to Mumbai from an impoverished state in India to earn a living here. He settled in a slum in the ward which has the lowest human development index in Mumbai- the M East ward. He works as a helper and earns around Rs.6000/- each month out of which he pays hefty charges towards electricity, water, and other basic necessities. The slum he lives in is unauthorized, and therefore the municipal supply of basic necessities is absent. He must battle with private dealers and their varying prices to survive each day.
In 2019, your gifts reached out to Ahmad and opened the doors of education for him. Your gifts also reached out to Ahmad with hearty nutritious meals every weekday, stationery, regular health checkups, and dental assessments, educational material, and much more at our Vision Rescue Beacon Learning Centre inside his slum.

“Ahmad loves coming to classes regularly and is involved in every class activity,” says his teacher.

Seeing her child grow, Ahmad’s mother joined our focus group meetings for parents too.

The pandemic forced our classrooms to shut, but your generosity reached out to Ahmad once again with online education right from his home. Ahmad’s mother attended our open house meetings and was amazed to see his progress even in the midst of the pandemic.

We are looking forward to enrolling Ahmad informal school for his higher education and we hope to see him become a Police officer someday!

Thank you for Reaching out with Love to Ahmad and his family in such difficult times.