This is a story of intergenerational transformation made possible only by your support.

Little Abuhurayya is a student in our junior kindergarten, who loves listening to stories and playing games in class. Because of you, Abuhurayya’s childhood is drastically different from his father Yusuf’s.

Yusuf came to Mumbai from Bangladesh when he was just five years old. His father had died in his village, and with no source of income possible, Yusuf’s mother packed the kids up and migrated to Mumbai to eke out a living. She went to work as a housemaid, and the children, including Yusuf, became child labourers.

At 5 years old, Yusuf kept himself alive by folding envelopes, packing perfumes, carrying construction equipment and selling vegetables for money. In the battle to survive poverty, Yusuf lost his childhood.

Three decades later, Yusuf is now a taxi driver living in one of Mumbai’s largest slum communities. He’s married to Rehana, a house maid, and father to little Abuhurayya and Muskan, a teenage girl.

At his children’s birth, Yusuf swore that they would treasure their childhood, but life took them down difficult roads.

The family lives in a semi-built house along an open drainage canal. While Yusuf and his wife head out the work every morning, the children are looked after by their grandmother. Muskan dropped out of school, and refused to go back. Abuhurayya spent his days roaming the streets with his friends, because the municipal schools around them would only admit children older than six, and on their parents meagre income, private schooling was a mere pipe dream
When Yusuf first heard of Vision Rescue’s learning centre inside their slum community, he couldn’t believe his ears. Finally, after years of struggle, here was a ray of hope for his children! Yusuf immediately enrolled Abuhurayya into our junior KG class, and Muskan joined our tailoring course.

When Abuhurayya first joined us, he was malnourished. He hardly ate a full meal, and the dirt from the drainage outside their home had given him a permanent cough. It’s your donations that provided Abuhurayya the vital medical aid he desperately needed.

Today, Abuhurayya loves playing sport and drawing. He wants to become a doctor when he grows up!

You are the reason that Abuhurayya’s life is nothing like his father’s. Thank you for rescuing his mind from a life confined to the slum community, and for restoring his body to good health. Yusuf wants to thank you for making his dreams for his children come true!