Little Aayan fell ill during the COVID-19 pandemic. He started losing weight drastically. His parents couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. He spent most of his day coughing.

Aayan’s father, the only earning member of their family, had recently lost his daily-wage job during the national lockdown, and the family didn’t have enough money to get Aayan properly diagnosed. They reached out to our medical team for help. Our staff quickly connected Aayan to a partner hospital, and the doctors diagnosed him with tuberculosis. Aayan’s health was deteriorating fast. He was kept on a liquid diet.

Strong and determined, Aayan recovered from his illness and is now back home. Our team continued to support his recovery even after he left the hospital. 

Aayan lives in one the poorest slum communities in Mumbai with his father, mother, step-mother and two siblings. When Aayan came to our Beacon Learning Centre, he didn’t know much about healthy hygiene practices. He was routinely covered in dirt from playing with his friends on the street, and he used to come to class that way.

Over time, our community workers were able to counsel Aayan’s parents on the importance of personal hygiene, and they started sending him to school neat and clean.

Gradually, Aayan became everyone’s favourite and he became one of the most active students in class. His mother too grew in civic awareness along with him. She joined our focus group meetings for parents and participated in our medical camps. 

When the pandemic hit, Aayan’s education came to a halt. All face-to-face classes at Vision Rescue were stalled, and Aayan’s family didn’t own a smartphone for him to study online. With his father’s job gone, they were struggling to even put food on the table.
That’s when you stepped in with emergency help. Groceries were sent to Aayan’s family every month from our office and an education representative was sent to teach Aayan at home.

Today, he’s so glad to be healthy, happy and studying again. 

Thank You for Reaching out with Love to Aayan and his family!