In the city of Mumbai, the struggle is constant and a family of six is fighting against all odds. Living in one of the city’s slum communities amplifies their struggles, making their daily battles even more profound. In this family, four young girls hold onto their dreams, and at the heart of it all is Aminah*, a 5-year-old attending Senior KG at Beacon Learning Center (BLC).

Her father, an illiterate, works tirelessly as a daily wage labourer selling candies to provide for his family. Her mother, who has only an 8th grade education, manages every aspect of the household. From budgeting and meal planning to maintaining cleanliness and order in the home, she carefully handles each responsibility with finesse. She is a pillar of strength for her family.

The family lives in a small, cramped apartment in one of the slum communities of Mumbai. The walls are peeling and the floors are cold and hard, stained with years of wear and tear. The apartment is dimly lit, with only a few flickering bulbs scattered throughout. The curtains were tattered and stained. The room had only two pieces of furniture: a sofa and a bed. The worn-out sofa, with tattered cushions and chipped legs, sat against one wall. On the other side of the room stood a bed, its sheets rumpled and tousled. The mattress sagged in the middle, bearing the weight of countless nights. 

The room has a lingering stench of sweat and unwashed clothes, mixed with the aroma of spices from the mother’s cooking. The family’s meals consist mostly of simple, basic ingredients cooked with love and determination. After a long day of struggle, the mother’s homemade dal and rice bring comfort and nourishment to both body and soul. 

The house has all the necessary utilities like water, gas, electricity, and a bathroom. Surprisingly, there is no toilet inside; instead, they must use a public restroom. Despite their home’s small and worn-down state, the room echoes with the joyful sounds of children’s laughter. This family struggles with financial instability, trying to balance their hopes and aspirations with the father’s daily struggles to earn a living. Aminah and her three siblings face a reality where education is a distant and unattainable luxury.

Before the lockdown, the father had a profitable work. But everything changed when the lockdown hit. His source of income disappeared overnight, leaving the family in dire straits. With mounting bills and more mouths to feed, returning to their village seemed their only option. Every day was a battle for survival as they faced difficult choices in an uncertain world.

Hope dawned on the family through a Vision Rescue champion, who became their guiding light. It was this champion who introduced them to Vision Rescue’s transformative initiatives. During the challenging lockdown period, the family received a lifeline as a grocery kit from Vision Rescue containing essentials such as wheat flour, dal, sugar, tea powder, soaps, and more.

Previously deprived of education, the children found a way forward through Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Center (BLC). The journey began when the champion recognized the potential within the family. After being visited by a Community Case Counselor (CCC) and interviewed by a Community Manager (CM), Aminah was welcomed into the nurturing environment of BLC. This broke the chains of educational deprivation and opened up opportunities for a brighter future.

Thanks to Vision Rescue, Aminah not only received an education kit but also essential healthcare services. Regular medical and dental check-ups proved to be a lifeline for her family, who were often susceptible to health problems. With Aminah’s newfound ability to read and write, she not only gained knowledge but also learned important values and manners. The family, who used to afford only two meals a day, now enjoyed a third meal together with love and gratitude.

The impact of Vision Rescue went beyond education. Aminah’s mother sought empowerment through online courses in tailoring and jewellery making. This vocational training not only increased her skills but also aimed to improve the family’s financial situation. But it wasn’t just their financial situation that improved – their overall hygiene practices underwent a remarkable change. Showers became a regular part of their routine, replacing the stifling stench that once plagued their home with newfound cleanliness. 

Aminah’s accomplishments go beyond academics – winning sports competitions, wearing medals proudly, and dreaming of more opportunities. With Vision Rescue’s future plans in mind, Aminah is transitioning to formal school. In addition, her mother now works in Vision Rescue’s production room to contribute to the family’s income. Their financial situation has improved through bracelet-making and other endeavours.

Aminah’s inspiring story serves as a powerful reminder of the immense impact we can make when we unite to support those in need. We invite you to stand with us in our mission to elevate more children like Aminah and their families. With your generous support, we can make dreams come true and create a better future for all, fostering strong and thriving communities.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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