Since the day Zuhera* was born, her parents eagerly waiting to enrol her in BLC. They saw how other kids in their slum community were doing well after attending BLC. Finally, when Zuhera turned three last year, her parents enrolled her in BLC. She quickly made friends and impressed her teachers with her enthusiasm for learning and storytelling. Sometimes, she even teaches her older brothers.

After Zuhera joined, her mother, Nafisa*, also joined our vocational tailoring course. Upon completing the course, Nafisa saved up to buy her own sewing machine. She was filled with pride as she used her new sewing skills and a new machine to stitch dresses for her neighbours—frocks, salwars, blouses, and even exquisite embroidery. Nafisa is able to support her husband, who works in housekeeping at a small hotel, with her earnings as a tailor. 

Thank you for stepping in and lending your helping hand to Zuhera and her family. Your support has given Zuhera a great start in her learning journey.

*Names Changes to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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