Six-year-old Sikha has known a violent home for as long as she can remember. Even though her family appears better off than others in the slum community – they have a permanent roof over their heads with solid walls around them – her father is addicted to alcohol, and almost every other day their home descends into chaos, everyone at the mercy of her father’s drunken outbreaks.
When Vision Rescue first met Sikha, she was at home with her baby brother Divyansh. The older two children were enrolled in a school, but with their father’s erratic income, Sikha and Divyansh didn’t have the luxury of education.
Sikha was welcomed into our Open Basic Education course that enables older unschooled children like her to begin a life in learning. Divyansh joined our nursery at the Beacon Learning Centre. Their mother Radhika was so happy that her children could finally receive the gift of education right within their slum community even when they couldn’t afford it themselves.
Right from the start, your gifts have reached out with love to the children, providing them not just quality pre-primary education, but also a rich, nutritious meal every weekday, healthcare assessments, dental workups and a full-fledged Community Development program for their neighbourhood.
Sikha’s family’s needs have been documented over multiple conversations with our Community Workers and we’re now unfolding an individualised plan for their upliftment in the months to come.
Sikha loves coming to class – the chance to finally learn like her older siblings is invaluable to her. She looks forward most to our sports activities. She even won a medal at a dome race during Sports Day last month!
Sikha dreams of becoming a doctor when she grows up, and she thanks you for rescuing her from an environment of violence and sparking hope in her life!