Sufiya MD.Mnjar Ali Shaikh is a twelve year old girl who for a very long time didn’t even know school was available for her and her family. Her mother and father came from Mujafarpur but now live in Maharashtra.
For the past ten years they haven’t been able to own land, nor get working permits so her parents, Manjarali and Jenath, haven’t been able to get jobs at all. Due to this being this situation many times they are unable to have food on the table for Sufiya and her 3 siblings.
Due to their financial status none of Sufiya’s older siblings have gotten the opportunity to learn and go to school because of their time being spent looking for jobs or scraps to eat.
Vision Rescue was able to find out their situation through others in the communities. The VR Team gladly offered. Sufiya and all her siblings are admitted to the bridging program. This program includes food, health and dental service, and counseling for her entire family.
Now Sufiya and her family are being well fed and educated through all of Vision rescue’s programs.