Munira*’s father is one of thousands of ragpicker families that live around Mumbai’s largest garbage dump. For years he made a living segregating waste material thrown into the dumping ground and selling the dry waste that could be recycled. In good months, he earned about Rs. 6000. There were many other families in the locality who did the same and often the competition among these families was very strong. Recently though, a giant wall has been erected around the dumping ground, with barbed wire on top, restricting access only to children or young adults who could sneak through. 

When the pandemic struck in 2020, Munira’s father’s business came to a stand still. Angry and irritable at his fate, he struck out against Munira and her siblings. Without an income, how would he ever provide for them? It was Vision Rescue that came to his rescue. The community of donors rallied together around this family, and provided them with rations every single month of the pandemic.

After the pandemic ended, Munira’s parents were eager to enrol Munira into some form of basic education. Her sibling Farhad had been a student on Vision Rescue’s Bus Program years before he joined formal school in Grade III.  Munira has two other siblings Armin and Nazneen who are in formal school, in Grade V and Grade VIII. Munira’s mother Arifa approached one of our interns to find out when they could enrol Munira too in our Beacon Learning Centres (BLC’s) Education Program. Soon she was enrolled in Grade I of our BLC’s Open Basic Education course as she was already 8 years of age, but virtually illiterate. 

Although Munira’s parents were very positive about educating their children, there was one big obstacle that came in between their desire and journey to schooling. It was a gutter (locally called ‘nalla’) that was right near their house, which they had to cross to get anywhere. After enrolling in our BLC Munira missed classes on many occasions. Her attendance was poor despite all the efforts made by her parents to get her to our classes regularly – thanks to this gutter. Especially during the monsoons, the gutter would overflow and Munira would not be able to cross to the other side. The children also constantly got sick and stayed home due to this unhygienic condition around them.

The family had been thinking of moving homes over the past few years because of this problem. They finally took the brave decision followed by some more convincing by their Vision Rescue Community Case Officer. They moved from their rented home near the gutter to another cleaner and safer house which they purchased by taking a bank loan. They don’t have to pay rent anymore.

Munira is now attending our classes regularly and she is ready for formal school in the coming year. She is a bright child who enjoys learning and grasps concepts well. She says she wants to grow up to become a Police Officer. Her mother, who has studied till Grade VIII. also takes active interest in her education at home and if she has any queries she discusses them with the teacher.

Munira was happy to receive our School Starter Kit at the beginning of the year and a lunch box filled to the brim with nutritious food daily. She has completed all her medical assessments and dental screenings with our teams after joining us.  Thanks to you dear donors that we are able to make all these provisions to sustain children in education, with the help of your donations. 

Munira’s mother is now also an active Community Champion in their slum community. She is seen as a leader in her neighbourhood, and she is eager to assist in every awareness program we conduct. She makes no excuses. She is regular at our Focus Group Meetings for mothers and motivates others in the community to join. Munira’s father too helps us with the logistics of our awareness programs when he has the time. He even takes ownership to reach out to others.


How beautiful to witness the entire family being empowered and empowering others by their example. 

Just one move across the gutter and the vision to educate their children come what may, has enabled them to move from a high-risk environment to a medium risk environment and we can see only more and more progress for this family in the days to come. Thanks once again to you that we have not only been able to engage and sustain Munira in education but also help the family attain a right to a dignified life through love!



Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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